AttackBridge host info

The AttackBridge host is the platform for running Sxipher’s penetration testing software. It’s a pre-built docker container that runs every further test step. We created it for Linux hosts, but you can also run it in a Linux VM under Windows OS. Before running AttackBridge please ensure the host for it meets the following hardware requirements:

  1. Resources: at least 4 CPU cores, 16 GB of RAM, 40 GB of free disk space;

  2. x86-family CPU capable of hardware virtualization;

AttackBridge is designed to run directly attached to the network you are about to test, without any additional NATs and firewalls. If you run it in a virtualized environment, please ensure its VM has a network adapter in bridge mode.

Networking checklist:

  1. Direct or bridged networking;

  2. Allow outbound TCP traffic on ports 443, 9094-9096, 32000-32002, 32200 for *;

  3. Incoming TCP/UDP traffic for the AttackBridge should be allowed as its attack range varies.

Last updated